Friday, July 28, 2006

For you little fish.

Tomorrow I will no longer get to paint on these walls... Instead I will be involved with another kind of painting-project; I'm going tomorrow morning to Imatra to a painting-course held by Russian teachers from St. Petersbourg.
We'll spend a few days in Imatra, painting with students from Imatra Art School and Russia. From there we'll come to Lahti propably on next thursday for 4-5 days. After Lahti we'll move to Imatra again, and from there to St. Petersbourg. In Pietari we'll be for a couple of days. Allready looking forward to that.

Monday, July 24, 2006


so this is from last weeks wednesday-night. we tried some of these signs we made on that same day.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

after 2 days of Paint

As you can see, it was a windy, but also a beautiful second day of working with the tunnel.
It's been fun, but tiring as well...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

What's gone is gone.

I decided to put these pictures of the tunnel before it was sand-blown here, just in case anyone should want to see what was in it. I myself like to look at pictures of street-art, so I might as well put my own pictures here.

eli popedan jälkeen jo hieman rauhallisemmissa merkeissä.

Friday, July 14, 2006


First of all it's not so good of a sketch, but maybe my writings on it tell more about our idea.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

An Architects Dream

Ikkunasta kantautuu vieressä olevalta torilta: Tsing-tsing-tsinghis-khan, linta-linta ja niin edelleen. Odotan innokkaana Paula Koivuniemen showta.. Näinköhän saan taas nukuttua. Täällä on aivan helvetillisen kuumakin... Jokatapauksessa on tämä:

I wonder if this an Architects Dream: clean surfaces on a bright day...
So, they cleaned the tunnel today, and on monday we'll be working on the painting.

Tuo karnevalistisuus hieman häiritsee minua kun (ja samalla tori on yhtynyt yhteiseen 'lailalailalailailailai'-hin) haluaisin keskittyä kirjaston levyihin:
the Shapeshifters, Beth Orton, Juliana Hatfield, Phoenix, Modest Musorgski ja GRIS...
I have to buy headphones.. the sounds from outside are killing me.

Anyway, let's see if there's some tags on the tunnel by monday...

Friday, July 07, 2006

A Study for a Self-Portrait

so these are from my exhibition in siilinjärvi, 26.6.-14.7. 2006. It's this small place and I was living there some time ago. That's when I asked for the space. These pictures aren't that good but maybe they show enough.. Well, I'm happy with the outcome, and I heard some good comments so it wasn't a total waste of time.. he.