Friday, July 28, 2006

For you little fish.

Tomorrow I will no longer get to paint on these walls... Instead I will be involved with another kind of painting-project; I'm going tomorrow morning to Imatra to a painting-course held by Russian teachers from St. Petersbourg.
We'll spend a few days in Imatra, painting with students from Imatra Art School and Russia. From there we'll come to Lahti propably on next thursday for 4-5 days. After Lahti we'll move to Imatra again, and from there to St. Petersbourg. In Pietari we'll be for a couple of days. Allready looking forward to that.

1 comment:

jaakko said...

kukahan vittu näitä anonyymejä jättää tänne. en jaksais.. voivoi oijoi.